Category: Excerpt

Posts in this category test post excerpts.


This is a post excerpt.

1 692

Gutenberg: Formatting Blocks

Code Block .codeblock { right: 100% !important; position: absolute; } Classic Block This is the classic block. It's using the regular editor. HTML Block My HTML block. Preformatted Block This...
0 553

Gutenberg: Image Alignment

Welcome to image alignment! The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the various image positioning options is to nestle them snuggly among an ocean of words. Grab...
0 595

More Tag

This content is before the more tag. Right after this sentence should be a "continue reading" button of some sort. (more…)
0 462

Gutenberg: Columns

2 columns This is a 2-column layout, just trying some things out to see how it goes. Each column should have enough padding to breathe a little bit. Don't forget...

Many Categories

This post has many categories.

0 366

Post Format: Video (VideoPress)

Media File URL(build in embeds): [wpvideo tFnqC9XQ w=680] VideoPress, especially as a video post format, usually provides some unique styling issues. You will need to install Jetpack or Slim Jetpack plugin to turn...
0 544

Gutenberg: Classic Block

Headings Header one Header two Header three Header four Header five Header six Blockquotes Single line blockquote: Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Multi line blockquote with a cite reference: People think...
0 427

Twitter Embeds This post tests WordPress' Twitter Embeds feature.
0 546


This is the post content.