How to Add a Post with Custom URL

By default, a grid post is linked to its post URL. However, with the GridBone PRO version, you can link a grid post to any URL you want.

You can add a custom URL to a grid post by going into the edit screen of that post.

  1. Find the “Post Settings – GridBone PRO” options panel located at the bottom of the edit screen.
    • – If you can’t see it and if you are using the Block editor, you can enable the “Post Settings – GridBone PRO” panel through “Preferences” -> “Panels” -> “Additional”.
    • – If you can’t see it and if you are using the Classic editor, you can enable the “Post Settings – GridBone PRO” panel through the “Screen Options” panel.
  2. Enter a custom URL into the grid post using the “Custom URL” text input.
  3. Update your post.

After you add custom URLs to your grid posts using the steps above, you can activate the “Custom URL” option for grid posts as follows:

  1. Go to “Appearance” -> “Customize” -> “Theme Options” -> “Posts Grid Options”.
  2. Select the “Custom URL” value for the “Grid URLs Type” option and click on the “Publish” button.
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